High Efficiency System

Why High Efficiency Air Conditioners?

So you want to spend less in the long term while lowering your carbon footprint? A high efficiency AC is the way to go. Higher efficiency units cost more on the front ent but can pay back the initial investment in a few years, particularly if you have an older unit. High efficiency Energy Star and Federal Tax credit qualifying units can reduce cooling costs by nearly 30%.

The efficiency of units can be compared using the SEER ratings. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. This measures the amount of energy needed to create a certain amount of “cool”.
The higher the SEER rating the more you may save on your energy bill. The lowest efficiency units on the market today are 13 SEER the high efficiency units can run as efficiently as 26 SEER. These higher octane units usually are able to run at multiple speeds which allows them to cycle on and off less frequently. They usually have better insulation and are build more solidly. Units over 15 SEER may qualify for federal tax credits or Duke or Progress Energy incentives.

Even the best high efficiency air conditioner need some help to operate at its top efficiency. Installing the AC in spot away from direct sunlight will help it to operate more efficiently. Make sure your unit is sized correctly for the space it will be cooling, bigger is not better in this case. A over-sized unit will come on and cool the space very quickly and then shut off. The AC will not have time to perform its other important function which is to take humidity out of the air. You will have cold damp air, and pay more to get it if your AC is too large. Your contractor should be able to help you with this by performing a heat load calculation. Even if you are just thinking about replacing your system, it never hurts to check if the system is sized correctly.

Programmable thermostats, help to conserve energy and keep your home comfortable when you need it most. It can cut waste significantly. Choose a heating and cooling contractor who does a lot of high efficiency systems, they will know what works best and actually provides the energy savings advertised. Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling can help with advice on service, replacement and maintenance. If you would like a free opinion on the benefits of replacing your system please contact Boer Brothers at 919-813-2556. We are happy to come chat.