A Durham Furnace Installation and Regularly Changed Filters Improves Air Quality

Is your old furnace not heating properly? It may be time for a Durham furnace installation by a certified technician. A new furnace and a clean filter will provide clean indoor air in your home. Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling recommends a new furnace installation, if your furnace has reached the end of its efficiency life.

Replacing or Washing Filters Creates a Healthier Indoor Environment

There are two main types of furnace filters available: washable and regular. Washable filters are environmentally-friendly and easy to clean. Other furnace filters need to be replaced as often as recommended by their manufacturer, usually every 1-3 months. Here are a few tips from www.housewares.about.com on how often to replace or wash your filters, so you can have allergy symptom relief this fall:

“How do you know if your filter is washable? It should be marked as such right on the filter. Washing or replacing filters at least once a month will improve your furnace’s efficiency and help to relieve allergy symptoms.

If your furnace filter is damaged or you don’t have time to wash it, you can buy a replacement filter. Low cost furnace filters are usually sold in discounted quantity packs. To know what type and size of filter you need, pull out the old filter. It would be located at an easy-to-find spot on the furnace. For easy replacement, note how the old filter was inserted. Most filters have an arrow and top/bottom noted to make it easier to insert correctly into the furnace. The size and type will be marked on it. Be careful to note the full dimensions, as even thickness is important. You can bring the filter with you to make shopping easier. Filters are available online and from hardware or department stores.

When it comes to allergen control, filters that have enhanced filtration are best.”

Improve Your IAQ with a Furnace Installation

As schools are getting into their new school year, and students are working towards having high IQ’s, homeowners are thinking about improving their IAQ’s. An IAQ is the Indoor Air Quality in your home. When you can breathe air that has less allergens and particles, you can stay healthier, especially during the peak flu season. If your furnace is near the end of its lifespan, and is only working at an inefficient pace, it may be time for a Durham furnace installation. A new furnace will increase the energy efficiency in your home and combined with a new filter, will greatly improve your indoor air quality. Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling has a wide variety of excellent energy efficient replacement furnaces available for installation. They provide high quality installation services, making sure the ductwork and controls are all working together for maximum heating in your home.

Breathe easier and have a high IAQ with a Durham furnace installation. Also make sure your furnace filters are changed regularly for optimal air quality. A fall maintenance checkup is also recommended for your HVAC system to keep running efficiently throughout the cold season. For all of your heating system service needs this fall, contact Boer Brothers Heating and Cooling today at 919-813-2556.
(Source: Wash or Replace Furnace Filters to Improve Furnace Efficiency, housewares.about.com, 2015)